Onboard your Business in Wonder App

You can swiftly onboard your business in Wonder App. The data from Company Registry of Hong Kong is already synchronised in Wonder App, you can simply search your Business Legal Name and the whole data will be shown. Here's How to Onboard your Business in detailed steps below.

1- How to Onboard your business

1- In the home page, click “Register Now’”  

2- Select your business type according to your business registration region,

3- Search and select your business name (BR name)

4- Your company details will be shown on the screen, confirm and select “Onboard this Business”

5- Fill out additional information below and click “Next”

6- Fill out the Business Volumes and click “ Next”

7- Select your role in the Business

8- Review your application and confirm

9- You will see Wonder Merchant Service Agreement; scroll down to sign

10- Congratulations! You have successfully signed, click “Next”

11- If you are not the UBO/directors of the company, with equal or over 25% of shareholding, you will have to share this invitation with the them in order to complete the onboarding.

2- UBO/Director Verification Process

1-  Sign in with Wonder app, and click on the QR Code Scanner button on the top right corner of the screen.

2- Scan or Import QR Code.

3- Confirm the Business that user is verifying as Director/UBO

4- Confirm the business information.

5- Confirm and sign the Merchant Services Agreement (MSA)

6- Sign the MSA.

7- Complete the flow and user will see the business application block in their Personal Space with the updated application status.

Authorized Agent or Signer can also onboard a business, but for the final step UBO's signature is needed. Authorized person can share the invitation via QR Code; UBO can sign up/in with Wonder App and scan the QR code simply by clicking the QR code scanner in the Home Page. After onboarding your business, in the Home Page, you will see your store as “Under Review”. Once Wonder CS Team approve your application, you will be start using Wonder App.

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