How to Order Payment Terminal from Wonder Dashboard

Wonder Dashboard allows you to order and request delivery for payment terminal(s), thermal paper rolls and more for your business.

You can do so with the following steps:

How to Order Payment Terminal

1- Go to your store in Wonder Dashboard

2- Go to "Order Terminal & More" under "Extended Service"

3- Select "New Order"

4- Select "Delivery Schedule"

5- Select "Pay The Amount"

6- Check the order and "Checkout"

7- Select payment option and process with the payment

8- Once you confirm the order, you can wait for your terminal to arrive

Delivery Status

Unfullfilled: When order is not yet completed (not fully paid)

Delivery Requested: When order is completed and fully paid, delivery request is not yet sent (might be because the order is awaiting to be batched into a delivery request)

Pending Delivery: When delivery request is sent, and set scheduled at the desired time

Delivery Confirmed: When delivery is confirmed by a driver

Cancelled: When the delivery got cancelled by the system

Delivered: When the delivery is completed

Manual Delivery: Your order has been arranged to be delivered manually by Wonder team, contact for more assistance

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