You can easily void or refund a payment with a few clicks in [Transactions]. If a transaction has not been batched and settled during system day-end operation, you will be able to void the payment and not be charged with the transaction fee. If a transaction has been batched and settled during system day-end operation you will only be able to refund the payment.
1. Click on [Transactions].
2. Select the payment you would like to void.
3. Click on the […] located on the top right corner.
4. Select [Void Payment].
5. If password authentication is turned on, you will have to enter the system password.
6. A confirmation will pop up, click [Confirm].
7. The payment is voided.
1. Click on [Transactions].
2. Select the payment you would like to refund.
3. Click on the […] located on the top right corner.
4. Select [Refund Payment].
5. You will have two options, either to fully refund the payment or partially refund the payment.
6. If you click on full refund, your payment will be refunded successfully. If you choose to partial refund, you enter a refund amount. You will be able to choose partial refund till the payment is fully refunded.
7. If password authentication is turned on, you will have to enter the system password.
You can enable or disable void and refund function to your operation preference, by going to Settings. For more information, please click here {{Settings article url}}.
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