How to Add Staff to your Store in Wonder Dashboard

1- Go to your Store in Wonder Dashboard and select " Associates" under "Staff Management"

2- Select "Optimaze QR Code"

3- This QR code should be scanned by your associate from Wonder App for you to accept them into the store.

4- You can also choose to send the QR code directly via email

5- Once the staff scanned the QR code, you can see the pending associate in Associates settings page, and give permission.

6- You can assign the associate with the job title, and Wonder role so they can have different permissions and controls within the platform.

Roles & permission levels

Wonder app lets associate to be assigned with different role, so that they can have different visibility and permissions within the app

Role: Director

Director role has ALL permissions and controls within Wonder app, this role is given when the director/UBO are added into the business account:

  1. View all data of Merchant Account, Current Account, Currency Wallets
  2. Able to generate different currency Virtual Accounts, facilitate pay-ins via FPS eDDA
  3. Able to collect payment through Virtual Terminal, Invoice Links
  4. Able to view transactions records through the payment gateway
  5. Able to void/refund, issue invoices of the transactions
  6. Able to carry-out pre-authorision invoice capture.
  7. Able to facilitate instant payout, approve & reject payout requests
  8. Able to view reports and analytics of business account's activities
  9. Have all access to the business account settings, and have ability to add, change, remove any business settings, associates.

Role: Organisation Admin

Organisation Admin role also has ALL permissions and controls within Wonder app.

  1. View all data of Merchant Account, Current Account, Currency Wallets.
  2. Able to generate different currency Virtual Accounts, facilitate pay-ins via FPS eDDA.
  3. Able to collect payment through Virtual Terminal, Invoice Links.
  4. Able to view transactions records through the payment gateway.
  5. Able to void/refund, issue invoices of the transactions.
  6. Able to carry-out pre-authorision invoice capture.
  7. Able to facilitate instant payout, approve & reject payout requests
  8. Able to view reports and analytics of business account's activities.
  9. Have all access to the business account settings, and have ability to add, change, remove any business settings, associates.

Role: Financial Manager

Financial Manager role is given to associates that is responsible for receiving, processing, and verifying invoices related to accounts payables. Their permissions include:

  1. View all data of Merchant Account, Current Account, Currency Wallets.
  2. Able to generate different currency Virtual Accounts, facilitate pay-ins via FPS eDDA.
  3. Able to collect payment through Virtual Terminal, Invoice Links.
  4. Able to view transactions records through the payment gateway.
  5. Able to void/refund, issue invoices of the transactions.
  6. Able to carry-out pre-authorision invoice capture.
  7. Able to facilitate payout requests.
  8. Able to view reports and analytics of business account's activities.
  9. Have all access to the business account settings, and have ability to add, change, remove any business admin settings, but is NOT ALLOWED to change Business Settings, and Associates settings.

Role: Sales Manager

Sales Manager role is given to associates who are in charge of sales, and collecting payments from customers of your business. This role will only have permission related to payment acceptance only.

  1. Able to collect payment through Virtual Terminal, Invoice Links.
  2. Able to view transactions records through the payment gateway.
  3. Able to void/refund, issue invoices of the transactions.
  4. Able to carry-out pre-authorision invoice capture.

Role: Sales Associate

Sales Associate role is a more junior role than Sales Managers, and given to associates in your sales team to collect payment from customers, but they are NOT ALLOWED to void/refund transactions made.

  1. Able to collect payment through Virtual Terminal, Invoice Links.
  2. Able to view transactions records through the payment gateway.
  3. Able issue invoices of the transactions, NOT ALLOWED to void/refund.

Role: Agent

This role is normally given to Wonder staff so that they can support and assist your business, especially when you're running into an inquiry or troubles with using Wonder app.

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